Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 6

Our water appears to be getting clearer as the weeks go on. There is still a lot of debris floating around but the water itself is less murky than before.  The elodia is continuing to grow both longer and thicker with more leaves.  There are a few new brown leaves toward the bottom of the bottle, but overall the leaves are still pretty green. The guppy seems to be a little larger and swimming around the tank.  The snail seems to be less active today than usual but is still moving slightly.  

Our one plant has grown another stem off of the main stem with 3 new small leaves! It is now reaching the top of the bottle.  It still looks very green and healthy as it continues to grow.  

1.562kg is the weight of our terrarium this week which is very interesting because the weight is decreasing.  We predicted that the weight would increase because we imagined that more material would build up in the water as well as the plant growing.  We are not sure why the weight is decreasing, but it could be because some of the living things have died.  

Drawing our terrarium in color was interesting! Seeing how much actual color was involved in our little ecosystem is really cool. Drawing it also helped us focus on the details involved in our terrarium that pictures don't necessarily highlight. Also we just like to color. 
Ceci's Color drawing!

Avana's color drawing!

Terrarium Weight
X-Axis: Weight in Kilograms Y-Axis: Time in weeks

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